Falling into Fall

I love autumn, it’s my favourite time of year. Getting a pile of books out of the library and reading in front of the fire in the afternoon with a cup of tea. Autumn is amazing, there is a mellow quality to the air, the sun may not be as ferocious but it can still be warm, in fact, we usually go away in autumn, places are less crowded, you can sit and think. And since I live in a city where summer drags on til late September, autumn can’t come soon enough. The food and clothes, the falling temperatures and darker nights… I love everything about it. Winter too.

As I said I love autumn but it’s a complicated time. Always colourful, always changing. Often challenging. The glorious yellows and reds of the falling leaves that elicit gasps of delight from so many also signal the shorter days to come. Days that for those living with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) will be marked by unwelcome mood swings, disrupted eating patterns and a desire to hibernate until spring promises the return to sunlight. There’s evidence to suggest that alight therapy can alleviate the condition, but mindfulness, self-compassion and not being fearful of asking for support will also help to make life a little easier when nature is delivering her annual display of colour and impermanence. Consider investing in a LED lamp to help with the SAD blues.

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